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Corporate 和 领导 Development 是…的一部分 澳门新葡京博彩学者

Empowering Leaders Professional Series (elp)

澳门新葡京博彩 is pleased to offer the Empowering Leaders Professional Series (elp). The purpose of the ELPS Program is to provide training opportunities 和 strengthen the skillsets of full-time employees who have an interest in upward mobility within higher education. Supported by the Office of Corporate 和 领导 Development, the program is aligned to the College’s strategic goals 和 core values 和 aims to develop superb 和 diverse leaders focused on student success to sustain a legacy of excellence in leadership at 澳门新葡京博彩.

注意: To be eligible for the program, a full-time employee must be employed at the College for a minimum of six months.


Application deadline 8月ust 21, 2023.

C和idates submitting an application must include:

    • Letter of Recommendation 和 Support from the immediate supervisor OR a College administrator who oversees the department, that comment on both the applicant’s leadership potential 和 indicate support for his or her participation in all of the 活动 of the Empowering Leaders Professional Series; including agreement to pay registration fee.
    • 个人陈述: A typed statement that highlights reasons for applying for the leadership opportunity, to include:
      1. 如何参与ELPS benefits professional goals, 和
      2. How participation in ELPS will be of benefit to the College.

The cost per 参与者 for the program is $400.00, which offsets the cost of presenters, food, 和 other program related expenses.


09/29/23 – Opening Session 和 DISC [REQUIRED]
5/29/24 – Symposium [REQUIRED]

Applicant Responsibilities

这个项目 参与者 负责:
1. Traveling to various 澳门新葡京博彩 campuses for participation.
2. Participating in all program 活动 in their entirety, including the opening session, 月度会议, 和会饮会.
3. Obtaining the supervisor’s approval 和 support to engage in the program.
4. Engaging with a leadership coach; the coach may be the 参与者’s supervisor or another College leader.
5. Investing in the growth 和 development of the College as a whole.

Attendance is m和atory at the following ELPS Program events:
1. 开幕式.
2. 节目结束座谈会.
3. All monthly training sessions (up to two absences outside the required sessions will be allowed, 但不鼓励).

Completing the ELPS program successfully provides exemption for degree requirements related to application for the President’s 领导 Institute, should you be so inclined to pursue that opportunity. ELPS completers are also encouraged to participate in the selection process for the incoming class.


  1. 第八类(2022-2023)


    April King, Orl和o Velez, April Weimer, Carleigh Okwali, Alicia Keilty, John Bennett

    ELPS Class VIII 领导 Quote:
    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more 和 become more, you are a leader.——约翰·昆西·亚当斯

    教练: Dr. Keith Bonney, Jennifer Abels, Dr. 伯特·里维拉-马尔尚,J. 科迪梅奥, Madison Fantozzi,

  2. 新兴领袖第七类 (2021-2022)



    维姬J. East, John Fynn, Carolyn Orr, Valentina Gutierrez

    ELPS Class VII 领导 Quote:
    “Effective 领导 is the Art of Positively Influencing Others.”

    教练: Dominiki马丁, 女王的韦伯, Leah Bartholomay, J. 科迪梅奥

  3. 新兴领袖第六类 (2020-2021)


    Pictured left to right, top to bottom:
    Niqui Pringle-Brown, 拉尼尔卡梅隆, 帕特丽夏Edgcomb, 卡特里娜史密斯, 信仰盖伦, 格温西蒙斯, 金伯利赫斯, 凯蒂Ragsdale, 乔尔片剂, 切丽•默里, Alake杰克逊, 迪翁Formey

    ELPS Class V 领导 Quote:
    “领导 is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.——约翰·麦克斯韦

  4. 新兴领袖V类 (2019-2020)


    Pictured from left to right:
    丰富Lavigueur, 路易斯·费尔南德斯, 谭雅·琼斯, 瑞安·克里斯, Latasha李, 凯瑟琳·奥唐纳, 理查德·本森, 蒂娜•汉森, 夏天希克斯, 慈善加西亚, 吉莉安封口机, 丽莎Montanez, 曼努埃尔·米勒, 乔伊斯·汤普森

     ELPS Class V 领导 Quote:
    “If serving is below you, then leadership is beyond you.——戴尔。C. 布朗

    教练玛丽·克拉克, Meesha唐宁, 约翰·格伦, Simmi约翰逊, 罗莉琼斯, 冯McGriff, 亚伦手把手教你, 4月罗宾逊, 塔玛拉Sakagawa, 鲍勃堆栈, 托马斯李, 罗恩·扎卡里

  5. 新兴领袖第四类 (2018-19)

    佛罗里达州巴托. 2月. 1, 2019. (Photo by Tom Hagerty, Polk State.)


    Pictured from left to right:
    布伦达·阿诺德, Roni米勒, Alex和ros Dimitriadis, 金伯利战斗, 马修Peneguy, 琼·康纳斯, 马修詹姆士, Dominiki马丁, 亚伦手把手教你, 黛博拉·戴维森, 伊冯·维

    ELPS Class IV 领导 Quote:
    “领导 is an action, not a position.”
    ——唐纳德·H. McGannon

    教练: Yulonda贝尔, 娜奥米·波伊尔, 威廉·德威特, 霍华德·德雷克, 斯蒂芬·赫尔, 西尔维斯特的小, 唐纳德的画家, 特蕾西·波特, Rebecka拉莫斯, 4月罗宾逊, 丽莎罗莎

  6. 新兴领导人第三类 (2017-18)


    Click on the image to open it larger on your screen.

    Pictured from left to right:
    布伦达Bracewell, 也许她Hrubes, 丽莎彭迪, LaKeysha Cason, 山姆·黑尔, 明星安德森, Gerry霍布斯, 罗恩·扎卡里, 莎拉·马奎尔, 马丁国外

    ELPS Class III 领导 Quote:
    A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, 和 shows the way.”
    -约翰C. 麦克斯韦

    房地美阿塞维多, 娜奥米·波伊尔, 凯西Bucklew, 斯蒂芬·赫尔, 唐纳德的画家, Gerene汤普森, 伊冯·维

  7. 新兴领袖II类 (2016-17)



    Click on the image to open it larger on your screen.

    Pictured from left to right:
    诺里韦伯, Vernee威廉姆斯, 巴里·柯林斯, 丽莎Smelser, 马修·勒尼汉, Rayla Tokarz, 凯尔Kniffin, 厄尔巴岛康赛普西翁, 丹尼斯Andreu-Pietri, 莎拉Plazak, 梅根Cavanah, Nixsa Cruz-De Witt, 格雷戈里·乔治。

    ELPS Class II 领导 Quote:
    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more 和 become more, you are a leader.”

    房地美阿塞维多, 娜奥米·波伊尔, 威廉·德威特, 彼得•艾略特, 辛西娅Freitag, 斯蒂芬·赫尔, 内森纽曼, 唐纳德的画家, 拉里Pakowski, 塔玛拉Sakagawa, 特蕾莎修女Vorous, 林恩·威尔逊

  8. 新兴领袖I类 (2015-16)



    Click on the image to open it larger on your screen.

    Pictured from left to right:
    特伦斯海斯, 约书亚Plazak, 特蕾西·坦纳, 杰米•罗文, 房地美阿塞维多, 威廉·德威特, 冯McGriff, Matina瓦格纳, 艾琳·蒙哥马利, 内森纽曼, Nicara丹尼尔斯, 莎伦·戴维斯, 帕特里斯Thigpen, 玫瑰花蕾莱斯利, 凯伦·摩尔

    ELPS Class I 领导 Quote:
    “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

    Valparisa贝克, Yulonda贝尔, 娜奥米·波伊尔, 玛丽安乔治, 斯蒂芬·赫尔, 唐纳德的画家, 玛莎圣地亚哥, 乔治则, 女王的韦伯, 林恩·威尔逊, 比佛利利